lunes, 18 de mayo de 2020

Which country would you like to go?

I hope that whoever reads this is having a good morning, afternoon or evening. Today I will tell you about a country that I would like to visit sometime in life. It takes me a while to think of only one country because I am a lover of landscapes, country with beautiful landscapes it would be to my liking to visit sometime but thinking about it I would like to visit Denmark because it has a beautiful culture, landscapes and very beautiful architectures.

What strikes me about this country is its varied towns in nature areas, I know that there are many of the most beautiful towns and I would like to meet them.
I would like to visit this country to learn more about its culture and language, which is one of the most complex to learn in the world. Maybe the time I was there I would think about looking for a job to meet native people of the country and learn more about what it is like to live and be born in a country like that.

5 comentarios:

  1. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  2. Denmark look like a very beautiful and naturally place but it's seems very cold for me :c


  3. I have always liked landscapes in denmark !! I guess I would also like to visit that country someday to see these incredible places

  4. I love landscapes too! I imagine Denmark, and nordic countries with a lot of beautiful parks and landscapes jeje

  5. Sounds like an interesting place to go. And i've heard that it is one of the countries with the best quiality life in the wolrd, so work and live there must be nice.
