lunes, 25 de mayo de 2020

The best holiday

Hoping that they are well I will tell you one of the best experiences I have had and that was when I went camping, in February of this year, for a week with my family to a mountain near the place where we live, the place was very close to “Radal Siete Cups National Park” but it was not exactly where we camped, the closest city is called “Molina” is a small commune in Chile located a little south of Curicó. In that adventure I was with my mother, my sisters, their children and some friends, it was very entertaining because we learned to do many manual things in addition to enjoying the tranquility of nature, also every afternoon we went out to walk on the trails that were in the On the way to discover new places and landscapes, at night around a campfire we talked about many things and told stories about other places we had known or experiences of our lives.

This is a trip that surely I will never forget for everything I shared and lived it was very pleasant and allowed me to know a little more about the people I love

4 comentarios:

  1. Talking and telling those stories that we never told anyone around a campfire should be a great experience

  2. The camping in Molina sounds so peaceful

  3. Everything sounds good, the camping seems wonderful to visit
