jueves, 23 de julio de 2020

The challenges of the english language

Hello everyone I hope you and your families are well, today I will tell you about my experience learning inside the university and outside the university.

It is true that everything that has happened this year the vast majority would never have imagined, it changed the routine and affected the lives of millions of people around the world, so it will be a year that will never be forgotten within our society. In my opinion all this is horrible and at the same time incredible because I never thought that something like this could happen.

One of the most significant changes for me was the fact that the modality established to continue learning, in the case of English, I used to have classes at the university to perfect the learning of this language, I must say that it was much more It is easy to have this face-to-face class because it allowed me to listen better to what other people spoke in English, what makes it difficult for me to speak it because I don´t consider that my pronunciation is very adequate.

I think that it is not difficult for me to understand English when it is spoken because whenever I watch movies, whether in English or any other language different from mine, I prefer to see them in their original language and with subtitles, and I also enjoy music in English and As I listen to music I try to understand what they are singing, doing that has led me to know many words and forms of expression.

That was it for my blog today, greetings

martes, 14 de julio de 2020

Hello everyone once again, as always I hope you are well and I wish you a good week.

In today's blog I will talk about some changes that could be made in my university study program that, in my opinion, these changes could be beneficial for the student community of the career of psychology, because that is the career that I am Currently studying and I will refer in this blog to the study program of that career.

To start, I found it a bit complex to think about changes that could be made within the study program because I feel that the one that is already in force is in accordance with what needs to be learned to have a good knowledge base on psychology, however I understand that students graduate as general psychologists, so to speak, so it is necessary to take more courses apart to perfect their knowledge in some area of ​​the psychology degree, so it might be a good idea to graduate from the career being a specialist in some area of ​​the career.
I don't want to say that it's bad to continue studying after graduating because I want to, but graduating as a specialist in one area would be interesting to me.

The program of study of the career has a period of time in which you have to take several optional courses in which the students can take the ones that most appeal to them, in my opinion that is very good because not all of them have the same interests when studying psychology since it is an area of ​​knowledge with many different perspectives and approaches.

At the moment I do not think of other changes that could be made to the study program in addition to the one I already mentioned, I have not been studying for long enough to know that other changes would be convenient, I still have a lot to learn.

martes, 7 de julio de 2020

What will I do after the quarantine?

Hello everyone, I hope you and your families are well.

Today I will talk to you about what I have planned or hope to do after this quarantine is over. First I would like to say that it is a little difficult for me to think about what I will do after the pandemic ends, and along with that the quarantine, because we are not even sure that if an effective cure for the virus was found then we also don´t know what life in society will be like after all this. I believe that the changes that will take place in people's behavior will be very noticeable and will last a long time. Some changes may be for better or for worse, difficult to know.

In my case, at the beginning of this pandemic, I felt a lot of uncertainty because I didn´t know how long we were going to live like this, it is not that now I don´t feel uncertain but it is easier for me to distract myself and do things to spend the days, I have read several books I had pending, I have seen several movies, I try to share with my family although some of them are far away and I have to keep waiting to see them again and I have also tried not to neglect my studies. 

I really don´t have high expectations about what I can do after the quarantine ends, most likely I will go to several places to see my family and friends that I have not seen for a long time because of the quarantine.

I hope everyone is well, here ends today's blog