jueves, 23 de julio de 2020

The challenges of the english language

Hello everyone I hope you and your families are well, today I will tell you about my experience learning inside the university and outside the university.

It is true that everything that has happened this year the vast majority would never have imagined, it changed the routine and affected the lives of millions of people around the world, so it will be a year that will never be forgotten within our society. In my opinion all this is horrible and at the same time incredible because I never thought that something like this could happen.

One of the most significant changes for me was the fact that the modality established to continue learning, in the case of English, I used to have classes at the university to perfect the learning of this language, I must say that it was much more It is easy to have this face-to-face class because it allowed me to listen better to what other people spoke in English, what makes it difficult for me to speak it because I don´t consider that my pronunciation is very adequate.

I think that it is not difficult for me to understand English when it is spoken because whenever I watch movies, whether in English or any other language different from mine, I prefer to see them in their original language and with subtitles, and I also enjoy music in English and As I listen to music I try to understand what they are singing, doing that has led me to know many words and forms of expression.

That was it for my blog today, greetings

2 comentarios:

  1. you are right, one of the advantages of distance education is that for introverted people it is easier to take a course where we have to interact so much
