martes, 7 de julio de 2020

What will I do after the quarantine?

Hello everyone, I hope you and your families are well.

Today I will talk to you about what I have planned or hope to do after this quarantine is over. First I would like to say that it is a little difficult for me to think about what I will do after the pandemic ends, and along with that the quarantine, because we are not even sure that if an effective cure for the virus was found then we also don´t know what life in society will be like after all this. I believe that the changes that will take place in people's behavior will be very noticeable and will last a long time. Some changes may be for better or for worse, difficult to know.

In my case, at the beginning of this pandemic, I felt a lot of uncertainty because I didn´t know how long we were going to live like this, it is not that now I don´t feel uncertain but it is easier for me to distract myself and do things to spend the days, I have read several books I had pending, I have seen several movies, I try to share with my family although some of them are far away and I have to keep waiting to see them again and I have also tried not to neglect my studies. 

I really don´t have high expectations about what I can do after the quarantine ends, most likely I will go to several places to see my family and friends that I have not seen for a long time because of the quarantine.

I hope everyone is well, here ends today's blog

5 comentarios:

  1. it's very shocking to think about the social changes that are coming

  2. it's very shocking to think about the social changes that are coming

  3. I think the worst part of this pandemic has been the uncertainty of not knowing what will happen and for how long

  4. Being away from family and friends its very hard and to that add a pandemic makes the things worst
