lunes, 15 de junio de 2020

About the "job"

The meaning of the word job varies for me, because for some people it is something exciting and motivating instead for other people it is overwhelming and stressful, in this way we realize that not everyone has the opportunity to work in something that really I am passionate about that, in my case I plan to work in something that I really like, where I can learn more and more and, most importantly for me, that through work I can help many people.

 To start I would like to work on something directly related to what I am studying, I will work as a psychologist, I will like to work on this because I will have the opportunity to listen to people, who have various types of conflicts in their lives, and I will be able to help them think better about the things and life. The skills I need for this are only those that my motivation gives me, because without motivation I think I could not do anything, or at least I think so.

Now the reward I hope to get for doing this job is nothing more than the assurance of supporting and helping people who need it, I may not always work as a psychologist but I want to work helping people to be well and to know themselves in Every job I have because I believe that well  being with oneself is the main thing to have a better life.

3 comentarios:

  1. your intentions about your future job are really good!

  2. I agree with you on what you said about the motivation cause without it we wouldn't keep doing what we want on the best way or we would simply give up

  3. I totally agree with your thinking I agree with the fact that as psychologists the most important thing is to help people
